Menu Performance - Mutexes - Overview

The screen allows you to analyze the level of mutexes in the database at the analyzed time. The Y-axis of the graph shows the time in seconds per given second of all mutexes that occurred during the presented period. The X-axis of the graph represents the time at which mutexes occur.
The graph is “clickable.” Pointing to a point on the graph will display a summary of mutexes, specific to a given snapshot in time.

Mutexes and semaphores are locking and signaling mechanisms that control the availability or use of a shared resource, such as an external library or procedure. You can include mutexes and semaphores to achieve the type of locking behavior your application requires. The choice of whether to use mutexes or semaphores depends on the requirements of your application.

Mutexes provide your application with a mechanism to control concurrency; for example, they can be used to allow only one connection to execute a critical section in a stored procedure, user-defined function, trigger or event. Mutexes can also block application resources that do not directly correspond to a database object. Semaphores provide support for producer/consumer application logic in the database or for access to restricted application resources.