Menu Space Monitor - Database size

The module presents the current space occupancy of the monitored database presented by default in GB units. The data is presented in the form of a graph as well as in the form of data in a table.

Storage Forecast

The screen also provides an option to forecast the occupancy of storage space. This functionality will easily help any database administrator to predict the size of the database and facilitate the Capacity Planning process.
In order to check the occupancy of the database in the future, check the options Show Storage Forecast.

The database occupancy forecast is calculated based on the data collected by applications and stored in the repository database. Forecasting can be done on the basis of historical data from the last 3 , 6 months as well as the whole year. We can display the forecasted period for a range (3-6 months and from 1 to 3 years). After the forecast is made, a graph will be displayed on the chart with the given information about the occupancy of the database in the future.